It’s Valentine’s Day, so it’s time for dates, candles, roses, romantic dinners and romantic music. We’ve tried to make a list for you with ten Eurovision songs that you could introduce your loved one to on Valentine’s Day. Time to get lost in romance with’s 10 Ultimate Valentine’s Day Eurovision Songs!
Lithuania 2015: Monika & Vaidas – This Time
When your love is fresh and new and the butterflies just keep circling in your stomach, what song can beat Monika and Vaidas’ This Time, including a kiss that actually takes too long!
This time I think I’m falling in love
This time you’re sent from heaven above
Whoa whoa whoa…
Ukraine 2009: Svetlana Loboda – Be My Valentine (Anti-Crisis Girl)
Sometimes you first need to ask your loved one to be your Valentine. And if that person is into a lot of nudity and an Eastern European girl slutting away behind a set of drums, Svetlana’s effort should be your pick.
Baby, baby you’re so fine
Be my, be my valentine
Greece 2001: Antique – Die For You
There’s nothing more romantic than telling your lover you’d literally do anything, you’d even die for him. Just to make that person clear that you are the ultimate partner and no one else. Do this under someone’s window (including Paparizou moves) and you’re in.
‘Cause I would die for you
Look into my eyes and see it’s true
Really, I could never lie to you
Just to make you see that
No one else could ever love you like the way I do
France 2009: Patricia Kaas – Et S’Il Fallait Le Faire
You can tell someone you’d die for them, sure, but you can also promise the most insane things, things that aren’t even possible. Like Patricia Kaas, a woman promising her man she’d even be wrong all the time if that’s what he wants. As if that would happen.
So I still look into the blue of your eyes
So your two hands still get lost in my hair
I will do everything bigger and if it’s too much or too little
I would be wrong all the time, if that’s what you want
San Marino 2012: Valentina Monetta – The Social Network Song
There’s always the playful way of asking someone, possibly someone you’ve friendzoned, to come over to have fun on Valentine’s Day. Or even when your love is far away, there’s Facebook. But still, Valentina (Happy nameday!) has some good fun planned for tonight…
Do you wanna be more than just a friend?
Do you wanna play cybersex again?
If you wanna come to my house
Then click me with your mouse
Finland 2013: Krista Siegfrids – Marry Me
It’s full of Krista Siegfrids in the past days and we can’t really skip this one. Let’s say your relationship is going really well and you’re thinking about the next step. Why not pop the big question? And you know, people like a bit of originality, so let’s go Krista with it. Even promising cute babies!
So marry me, I’ll be your queen bee
I’ll love you endlessly
I do it for you, for you, for you
Yeah, I do it for you, marry me, baby
The Netherlands 1957: Corry Brokken – Net Als Toen
This might be one for the ‘older’ readers. If your relationship is dragging along and you want to bring some spice back, this is the song for you. Corry calls for you to start flirting again and bring some spice back. Just to confirm: Even after so many years, your love is still alive.
Be nice and gallant once again
Find me beautiful and charming again
Then the world will be just like before
A fairyland
The Netherlands 1984: Maribelle – Ik Hou Van Jou
We’re staying in the Netherlands for love problems. Ok, so your relationship has crashed, just before Valentine’s Day. That’s quite rubbish, but you want to win your love back? Then this gentle ballad might be the way to go. Maribelle, the singing housewife, wants to convince her ex that they belong together. She can’t live without him.
Take me in your arms again
Let me warm your heart
I want to give you everything
I love you so much
I love you
Only you
I can’t live
In a world without you
Greece 2006: Anna Vissi – Everything
Yikes, if this happens to you on Valentine’s Day, we can only offer you a strong drink and a big slice of cake. Maribelle’s song didn’t help you and this is the moment you’re walking out that door, saying goodbye to that relationship. And then you realise you just can’t. You made that decision, but you now need to convince your ex to be to give it another shot. No better way to do it than dropping on your knees and blasting out this vocal.
I can’t believe I still want you
I can’t believe life means nothing without you
Baby, I’m still in love, still in love, still in love
Iceland 2007: Eirikur Hauksson – Valentine Lost
The big middle finger to Valentine’s Day. Cry and scream it out because love just isn’t for you on a day like this. All you can do is yell it out and play some insanely loud rock music, like Eirikur does. He immediately sets the tone in the first lines, but he promises: rock’n’roll can heal your soul.
I’ll let the music play while love lies softly bleeding
In heavy hands on shadowlands
As thunderclouds roll in, sunset is receding
No summer wine, no Valentine
Your ultimate Valentine’s Day songs?
Let us know on Twitter or Facebook what your favourite Eurovision related Valentine’s Day songs are!