EBU reports that the most recent Eurovision winner Duncan Laurence has tested positive for COVID-19 and won’t perform live from Ahoy on Saturday’s grand final.
Duncan Laurence was scheduled to perform during Saturday’s Grand Final but will not be able to perform live in the Ahoy venue in Rotterdam, but will still feature in the show in a different form.
Last Monday, Duncan tested negative in the Eurovision Test Pavilion, which granted him access to the venue for his performance in the first Semi-Final. On Wednesday, he showed mild symptoms and then unfortunately delivered a positive result in a rapid antigen test.
We are of course disappointed, first of all for Duncan, who deserves a live performance on our very own Eurovision stage after his 2019 victory and the worldwide success of Arcade. We couldn’t be more proud of his opening act for the first Semi-Final. Of course we wish Duncan a speedy recovery!
Sietse Bakker, Executive Producer
A strict COVID-19 health and safety protocol is being applied at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. All those working within the perimeter of the venue must be in possession of a negative COVID-19 test, not older than 48 hours.
Yesterday it was reported that Jóhann Sigurður, a member of Iceland’s representative Gagnamagnið, tested positive for COVID-19 and therefore Iceland will use a recording from their second rehearsal for tonight’s semifinal and the final, in case they qualify.