The time has come for our favourite long-standing tradition of the Eurovision wind-down period. It’s time to celebrate the garish, ghoulish and ghastly of the last couple of weeks and honour those that by any other standards have been forgotten, but in one way will live on in our memories forever – whether we want them to or not.
It’s the Barbara Dex award for the “who wore it worst” in this year’s Eurovision. For 18 years, fans all over the world have cast their vote for the worst dressed artist, and classic previous winners have included Sanda Ladoși (Romania 2014), Serbia’s Moje 3 (2013) and Gisela (Andorra 2008). The award was named after Barbara Dex herself, who finished last for Belgium in 1993 wearing a homemade dress widely considered to be one of the greatest fashion disasters of all time on the Eurovision stage.
Can any of this year’s contestants scale these dizzy heights? If you think so, then you can head over to Eurovision House and cast your vote. You have until Saturday 6 June to do so, and if you watched our live stream this year, you’ll know that we certainly had some strong opinions on the matter ourselves, so you can be sure we’ll be using our vote – make sure you do the same!