It’s time to meet the FiKers aiming to represent Albania in Stockholm.
Luiz Ejlli (2006) and Adrian Lulgjuraj (2013) are back in the run to represent Albania in Eurovision. The list of the 30 artists participating to Festivali i Këngës 54, that will be held this December.
RTSH have announced the festival will take places on 25, 26, 27 December. The exact format has yet to be specified, but the number of entrants indicates it is likely to again be two semifinals, leading to a final with approximately twenty competitors. In the running for FiK54 are:
- Adrian Lulgjuraj
- Andi Tankku
- Aslajdon Zaimaj
- Besa Krasniqi
- Dilan Reka
- Edea Demaliaj
- Egert Pano
- Egzon Pireci
- Eneida Tarifa
- Entela Zhula & Niku
- Enxhi Nusafi
- Erga Halilaj
- Evans Rama
- Flaka Krelani
- Florent Abrashi
- Genc Tukici
- Jozefina Simoni
- Klajdi Musabelliu
- Klodian
- Kaçani & Rezarta Smaja
- Kozma Dushi
- Kristi Popa
- Lindi Islami
- Luiz Ejlli
- Nilsa Hysi
- Renis Gjoka
- Revolt Klan
- Sigi Bastri
- Simbol
- Teuta Kurti
- Voltan Prudeni
The songs will be revealed at a later stage.