It’s comeback week here on and today it’s time for a 1980s comeback. Today’s choice comes from Nick.
Luxembourg 1981: Jean-Claude Pascal – C’Est Peut-Être Pas L’Amérique (11th place)
In a week of comebacks, I’ve chosen the comeback of a winner. Jean-Claude Pascal is probably one of the more forgotten winners of the contest and his 1961 entry Nous Les Amoureux surely is not one of those classics you keep hearing on every Eurovision playlist.
Twenty years after his victory, RTL thought it was a good idea to send Jean-Claude to Eurovision once more. I, personally, think this entry is far superior to his winner. But to call it a good idea? No, not really.
With a bit more show, but still with the elegance of the classic French chanson, Pascal entered the stage, now aged 54, to basically criticise the United States. He prefers the winds of France and the music he hears there over everything American. Even clearer is the title of the German version of this song: Heut’ Ist Vieles Sehr Amerikanisch, which means ‘Today a lot of things are very American’. Pascal is not a fan of America, that’s one thing we can say for sure.
But the song is good, as I said: Elegance, class, a message – it should be a successful recipe, right?
In the 60s, yes, maybe in the 70s, but the time for this style of entry had passed in 1981. So the man that once won Eurovision now ended in a rather anonymous 11th place with just 41 points.
I still really enjoy this entry and it’s a highlight in 1981 for me, but RTL should have thought twice before deciding to ask Jean-Claude Pascal for this contest. His time had passed to do well on such a stage and the same goes for his songs. Sadly.