In a joint statement, EBU, NPO and AVROTROS have announced the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020. The cancellation comes in difficult times as Europe and the rest of the world are dealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus. Dutch authorities and EBU have taken the decision together.
Coronacrisis and Eurovision
Weeks ago, the Eurovision Song Contest came under threat when the outbreak of the coronavirus reached Europe. With several countries already on lockdown, such as Big Five members Spain, France and especially Italy, Europe is in a deep crisis. Speculation soon started that big events, such as the Eurovision Song Contest might see themselves affected by the crisis.
After cancellation of football matches all over Europe and festivals like Glastonbury, the next big event to cancel its gathering this year is our beloved Eurovision Song Contest. The cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest is unique. It is the first time since its foundation in 1956 that the event cannot take place for a year. In a statement, Jon Ola Sand says:
We are very proud of the Eurovision Song Contest, that for 64 years has united people all around Europe. And we are deeply disappointed about this situation. The EBU, together with the Host Broadcaster NPO, NOS, Avrotros and the City of Rotterdam will continue to talk to see if it’s possivle to stage the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam in 2021. I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the process of staging a great Eurovision Song Contest this year. Unfortunately, that was not possible due to factors beyond our control. We regret this situation very much, but I can promise you: the Eurovision Song Contest will come back stronger than ever.
Jon Ola Sand on
Rotterdam 2021?
Guarantees can, in a situation like today’s not be given. However, EBU has announced that it would like to explore the possibilities for a Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam in 2021. That would mean that there is a chance that Rotterdam would still get to host their long awaited Eurovision. NPO Chairwoman Shula Rijxman has commented, by expressing her gratitude to the entire team working on the 2020 contest, especially the Muncipality of Rotterdam.
It is important to clarify that, as of yet, no further measures have been taken. The EBU have decided to break the news as soon as they could to provide clarity for their fans. However, this also comes with the addition that certain factors are now unknown. One of the most asked questions so far is whether the current artists will also travel to Eurovision in 2021. That is not known yet, but will largely depend on the broadcasters selecting them once more. The same goes for their songs: EBU have not yet taken a decision whether this year’s songs will stay eligible for 2021. will keep you updated with all proceedings regarding the Eurovision Song Contest in the upcoming days.
This has ruined everything I’ve been looking forward to this year
Now it\’s too late to save
All the seasons have changed
The right decision, too many lives would have been put at risk if it had went ahead, but Jon Ola Sand is right the contest will come back stronger than ever. LONG LIVE THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST.
This is very, very sad news… I was really looking forward to this year´s contest and amazing songs and artists. And of course: escxtra live streams ! Gonna miss you guys, we have to wait another year until we can chat again 🙁 My winner this year would´ve been Lithuania <3 I also really liked Switzerland, Malta and Ukraine. But i understand, that this situation with corona virus has to be taken seriously and lives would´ve been at risk if eurovision would´ve been held in Rotterdam. Stay safe and stay healthy and we will see you in live stream in 2021 🙂 Greetings from Finland <3