Music๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด Norway

๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด Glam and Carina Dahl sing “Shallow” in Norwegian

Wig Wam lead singer Glam (Åge Sten Nilsen) and three times Melodi Grand Prix-participant Carina Dahl just released their own version of monster hit “Shallow”. In Norwegian the title is “Så ekte nå” (So Real Now). In the first 24 hours following its realease online the song was played an astonishing 320 000 times!

Even more intimate in Norwegian

Helge Johansen came up with the idea of recording a Norwegian version of “Shallow”. He also wrote the Norwegian lyrics. Along with the two singers he is surprised by the instant success. He says that everybody has some sort of relationship with the original, and that it comes closer and becomes even more intimate when performed in Norwegian. Also, he is convinced no one could have done a better job at this than Carina and Åge Sten. Even people he doesn’t know has gotten in touch to let him know how wonderful they think the song is.

Not her first successful Norwegian cover

Initially Carina wasn’t sure she wanted to cover Lady Gaga. However, people had told her earlier that her voice would suit “Shallow” perfectly, so she decided to go for it. Carina is no stranger to recording Norwegian versions of international hits. In 2018 she released “Despacito” in Norwegian alongside Adrian Jørgensen. He might be best known in the Euroverse for finishing second in Melodi Grand Prix 2019 with “The Bubble“.

Stay positive until proven wrong

Åge Sten’s approach to new challenges is to stay positive until proven wrong. So when he was asked to do this, he listened to Carina’s demo and was very impressed with what he heard. The decission to be part of this was pretty easy.

Åge Sten + Carina = 6XMGP

Åge Sten Nilsen doesn’t need much of an introduction. He represented Norway in the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv as part of Wig Wam. They finished 9th with “In My Dreams”. He has also taken part in MGP twice without winning; in 2004 (Crazy Things, Wig Wam, 3rd place) and in 2017 (Wrecking Crew, Ammunition, 2nd place). Carina has also participated in Melodi Grand Prix three times; in 2011 (Guns & Boys, 2013 (Sleepwalking) and 2019 (Hold Me Down).

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