The Scoop๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ Finland

๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ The Eurovision Cruise 2020 to go ahead as planned

Two Finnish divas confirmed so far

Euroviisuklubi OGAE Finland ry has confirmed that the Eurovision Cruise 2020 will go ahead as planned this August.

The organizer of the cruise, Euroviisuklubi OGAE Finland ry, informs that they will continuously monitor the situation with COVID-19 and keep everyone informed about possible changes.

The eleventh edition of the Eurovision Cruise will sail from Helsinki to Tallinn and back on August 29-30. So far two artists have been confirmed to perform on the cruise. These are Finland’s Eurovision 2018 representative Saara Aalto and UMK 2020 runner-up Erika Vikman.

Last year the cruise celebrated its ten-year anniversary with performances by Krista Siegfrids (Finland 2013), Vicky Rosti (Finland 1987), Hera Björk (Iceland 2010), Euroband (Iceland 2008), Selma (Iceland 1999 and 2005) and KEiiNO (Norway 2019).

Will you attend the cruise in August? Let us know below or on social media @ESCXTRA!

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