Day 5 (3 for someone and 2 for me) has just started and we were supposed to do a wrap up yesterday evening, but the long day has killed off both of your lovely reporters. That said, Thursday’s rehearsals were fun and we had the possibility to chat (very briefly) with some of the contestants.
Brent has been overcome with feelings when Australia performed, but also when Georgia came to speak to us! After the interview the Georgian group hugged Brent and he hasn’t recovered since for the overload of cuteness.
We had also the possibility to chat to the girls from FYR Macedonia:
And we were surprised by how good this kids are at answering questions in English in front of a camera. Like Anna Trincher from Ukraine:
We then moved across theb
To slighter south with Serbia:
Last but not least, we found out how fancy some hotels in Sofia are and we had a quick chat with the Italian twins, Chiara and Martina Scarpari!
This afternoon we will take a look from the arena to the first dress rehearsal (we will provide pictures, don’t worry) and tonight we will be commenting the jury final. Stay with us, we will provide you with a lot more interviews today!
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