Twins are a common sight in Eurovision recently. We’ve had TWiiNS, Tolmachevy Sisters and of course, who can forget them, Jedward. Finland also has twins on offer for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, with Attention 2. These fifteen year olds will be hoping to convince Finland that they’re ready for the show. Check out what they had to say below! Hey girls! Could you tell us a bit about yourselves?
Attention 2: We are Attention 2. We are almost 16 years old twins from Finland. We are contestants in Uuden musiikin kilpailu 2016. We represent GIRL POWER!
X: How and when did you start in the music industry?
A2: We started last spring but we’ve been singing and performing our whole lives together. We knew that UMK was coming again this year and we wanted to apply and that was when Attention 2 really started off.
X: Why did you choose Attention 2 as your name?
A2: Well.. Anni came up with the name in the shower 😀 We wanted the name to represent us and the fact that there is two of us. Attention 2 just sounded good to our ears!
X: Who are your musical influences?
A2: We really like girl groups such as Spice Girls and Little Mix. Jedward was/is an inspiration of ours.
X: How can we see the difference between you physically?
A2: Yes, you can. Anni is a bit taller and has a longer hair and smaller eyes than Nina. Our facial expressions are also quite different. Anni has a beauty mark next to her left eye.
X: Could you tell us something about the staging in UMK?
A2: It’s mostly a secret 😉 But we can tell you that it is going to be colourful, energetic and different. Also it includes dancing for us!
X: Would you have a different staging in Stockholm? Why?
A2: Because we can only bring four other people with us to the stage.. It’s gonna change it a bit but we will try to achieve the same vibe to it.
X: What pair of twins did you like the most in the Eurovision Song Contest? Jedward, TWiiNS or Tolmachevy Sisters?
A2: JEDWARD!! Absolutely Jedward. Love their energy!
X: What do you think of your competitors in the your semifinal? Who are your faves?
A2: It is going to be a rough semifinal because they are all so good. We can’t pick a one favorite cause we’ve all worked so hard for this. We are excited to see everyone’s performances!! 🙂
X: What would you like to tell us about your entry Ready For The Show?
A2: Ready for the show is about embracing your imperfections and changing negative things to positive. It’s also about going after your dreams (like us going after esc :D) no matter what everyone else says. It is very catchy and upbeat song that hopefully makes everyone dance!
X: Why do you think you should win UMK?
A2: Because we can bring something new and show that age is just a number. We have a good song and we believe in that. This is our dream and we would represent Finland with pride.