Tomorrow is decision day in Germany. After last year’s trouble, NDR and ARD decided to look for acts who are really keen to get that ticket to Eurovision. One of those eager acts is a band, known for their German pop rock: Luxuslärm. We had a chat with them about singing in German, competition experience and more. Check it out below! Hey Luxuslärm! First of all, congratulations on your participation in Unser Lied für Stockholm! Did you apply or were you asked to participate?
Luxuslärm: Thanks! We applied through our record label – the classic way. 🙂
X: Where does the Eurovision dream come from?
L: Which artist wouldn’t dream of the chance to present their music to such a big, maybe even worldwide, audience? The entire show is simply breathtaking and we’re excited to be part of it this year.
X: Your song is called Solange Liebe in mir wohnt. What can you tell us about it?
L: Whenever see the horrible images in the news, we get cold shivers. There’s so much hatred and violence and the only thing that can fight that is love. That might sound obvious, but it’s really that simple. If everyone would just stay true to themselves and would just look at themselves first, we’ve already won a lot. We can’t change the entire world, but we can start with us and our music.
X: People have said that Europe has to understand the lyrics and that that’s the reason why artists choose to sing in English for Eurovision. What’s your opinion on that?
L: Kids in Germany often don’t speak English, but they can still understand the message of a song they hear on radio, even if it’s just whether it’s a happy or sad song. A lot happens through voice, melody and the entire vibe. You don’t always need the words to be understood.
X: What will your secret to winning the show be?
L: There is no ‘secret’. We’re just extremely looking forward to it. To the show, to the other artists and most of all, to the Eurovision fans, who are already making so much noise for us online!
X: You already have a bit of experience with music competitions, like in the 2012 Bundesvision Song Contest. Does that experience help you preparing for the national final?
L: No one will ask you how you did in previous contests. The only thing that counts is that one evening and we’ll give it our everything.
X: Just imagine you don’t win the national final. Do you have a favourite act among the other nine?
L: We really don’t want to commit to one name there. Sure, it could be one of the favourites, but it could also be someone you don’t expect to see winning. The people will decide with their hearts and that’s good. No jury, no people spreading their opinions, that’s the way it should be and we’re just looking forward to it.
X: What’s your motto in life?
L: Clearly our bandmotto: Live your dreams!
X: Could you describe what your reaction would look like if you win Unser Lied für Stockholm?
L: We can’t imagine how that would look and we can’t look that far into the future, nor do we want to. Step by step and we just want to enjoy each and every one of those steps to the fullest. That’s how we celebrate 🙂
We’d like to thank Luxuslärm for their time to answer our questions and would like to wish them and their song ‘Solange Liebe in mir wohnt’ the best of luck in tomorrow’s German national final.
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