Yesterday we reported Kosovo’s broadcaster RTK meeting the EBU to discuss membership, with the hopes of entering the song contest. However, it seems there is potential for another country to join the Eurovision Song Contest: New Zealand. Over the last few days, negotiations have commenced outlining the new trading relationship between European Union and New Zealand. Alongside discussions on goods and services, Eurovision was also raised.
Euro Neuro
Journalist Sam Sachdeva asked the EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström on Twitter if there is space for the country in the Eurovision Song Contest. Though this may initially seem slightly out of the blue, the trade commissioner had recently cited Australia entering the contest from 2015 as ‘the most important, momentous step in EU-Australian relations’. Ms. Malmström answered the question almost immediately:
I think we should give this done serious consideration. 😁
— Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) June 22, 2018
Although the EU and Eurovision are not linked, Eurovision is framed as a catalyst to a stronger trading relationship with the EU. Therefore, these lighthearted comments could act as an incentive for New Zealand to consider entering in the near future!
Party for Everybody?
Much like Australia’s SBS, New Zealand’s state-owned broadcaster, Television New Zealand (TVNZ) is an associate member of the EBU.
At the time of reporting, there is not currently any serious plan surrounding entry or who the act would be. Similarly, there is no suggestion from the either the EBU or TVNZ expressing an interest for New Zealand to enter. In addition, whether New Zealand would debut as a one-time ‘guest’, or as a full-time active member has yet to be outlined. However, the broadcaster has previously expressed an interest in participating in Eurovision Asia Song Contest, which can suggest TVNZ is open to the idea of entering the Eurovision bubble.
Should New Zealand should take part in the Eurovision Song Contest? Should this be as a ‘guest’ or on a more permanent basis and who should represent them? Let us know your thoughts below and on social media @ESCXTRA!
Well, that would be… unusual?
Nah. That would be overkill
There is something as \”too much\”. This is too much.
Why not. I think it’s an excellent idea!
If we do that, then we might as well open up the event to all countries world-wide that are willing to pay. I would then recommend that the name be formally changed as well.
I would say, that this is a good idea BUT only as a guest (and they have to qualify in the Semi-Final). I don\’t think, that the Eurovision Asia will be done this year (no new news since August 2017) – and the ESC-fanbase in New Zealand is very strong (although they don\’t broadcast it in tv). We allowed Australia to join (and they did a good job) – we should do the same with New Zealand and other countries. We here in Europe should see this as an act of inspiration. The Eurovision is strong enough to get along with new members. I would recommend this: 1 open slot in a Semi-Final for a guest-country each year … one year China could perform, the next year South Africa, then Canada …..and so on. That would cause a worldwide fever for our great music event.