The duo who represented France at Eurovision this year revealed that, this week, they are going to meet the girl who inspired their entry. Mercy is still living in Sicily with her mother, who was rescued by the Aquarius in March 2017.
“News” about Mercy
After releasing their album Vu d’ici, and after performing at Eurovision, the French duo Madame Monsieur embarked on a series of concerts all around their country. The Vu d’ici Tour started in June and will end in December, with an additional concert in Brussels on March 15th 2019.
Last Saturday (August 18th), we were present at a public concert they held in the French city of Metz, not far from Luxembourg, to open a local festival. After singing a few songs from their repertoire, it was time for “Mercy”. And as Jean-Karl (Monsieur) kept on playing the first notes of the song with his guitar, Émilie (Madame) talked about the little girl.
She said Mercy was now almost 18 months old, and that she was still living in Sicily. She then revealed to the crowd that they (Madame Monsieur) would go to the island “next week” to meet her for the first time. As this was on a Saturday night, this would mean that the French duo will visit the girl very soon.
The story of Mercy
Mercy was born on March 21st 2017, aboard the now famous Aquarius from SOS-Méditerranée. Her mother Taiwo had fled violence from Nigeria when she was already pregnant. She ended up on the Mediterranean sea and was rescued by the Aquarius, where she gave birth.
Mother and daughter were then sent to a refugee camp in Sicily (Italy), near Catane. They haven’t moved from there since then. However, the whereabouts of Taiwo and Mercy were originally unknown to almost everyone. It was earlier this year, during the Eurovision season, that they were finally found by French journalist Éric Valmir.
Madame Monsieur reacted to the TV reports on Mercy, but didn’t have the time to meet her at the time. Now, they have it, and are willing to use it. have reached out to Madame Monsieur to ask them about their upcoming trip.