Eurovision 2020๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ Finland

๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ Yle reveals the UMK20 final running order and performance details

Augmented reality and big choreographies

The final of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) 2020 will take place on Saturday, March 7th. The Finnish broadcaster Yle has shared the running order of the final.

Catharina Zühlke to open

The running order is basically the same as the order, in which the songs were published in January. Only Catharina Zühlke and Tika have swapped positions, making Catharina open the final, while Tika closes it.

The winner of UMK20 will be selected by the Finnish public together with international jury. Earlier this week Spain’s Eurovision 2011 representative Lucía Pérez revealed that she will be part of the jury.

Augmented reality and big performances

Yle has also shared some clips from the rehearsals for the final, revealing details of the performances. Visual designer Ari Levelä, choreographer Reija Wäre and multi-camera director Juha-Matti Valtonen have been working on the performances together with the artists.

When talking about Aksel Kankaanranta‘s performance, Ari Levelä says that the song and artist will be in focus, but the performance will be very visual. For the girlgroup F3M, the show will be big with exhausting choreography.

During Tika’s performance, there will be some augmented reality mixed with dancing and daring lift. Footage was revealed, where Tika sings while being up in the air. Catharina Zühlke’s performance will include a lot of emotion and the singer will show the whole story of the song.

The main focus on fan favourite Erika Vikman‘s performance will be her personality and attitude. The performance will be happy and colourful, with biggest challenge for Erika being the dazzling high heels. Sansa‘s show will be mainly just for cameras, so we probably can expect music video -type performance. Sansa says that for the first time she is singing and dancing at the same time.

Krista Siegfrids will perform the opening number once again. Also performing will be one of Finland’s rising stars, BEHM.

Who is your favourite to win Finland’s UMK? Let us know on social media @ESCXTRA!

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