We heard half of the songs of Melodifestivalen 2021 now and after this Saturday only seven will be left in Semi 4, but that is next week. This week we are going to focus on this week’s seven acts who will fight for two spots in the final and two spots in the second chance round. After Dotter and Anton Ewald qualified for the final last weekend, we are looking at the 5th and 6th finalists. And two of the acts below will be the lucky winners on Saturday. Thursday will be the day for us to talk about the full songs and rehearsals, Friday we will bring you updates from the rehearsals, and in the evening we live blog the dress rehearsal. Saturday we, of course, bring you the full coverage for the live show. Everything here on ESCXTRA!
Before the broadcast of the Melodifestivalen, 60 seconds audio clips of the competing entries will be published on Thursdays at 13.30 on SVT Play and Melodifestivalen’s app.
30 seconds from each contestant’s rehearsal get published on SVT Play and in Melodifestivalen’s app on Thursdays as well.
Entire entries (not finalists) will be posted after 9.30 pm on SVT Play and in Melodifestivalen’s app on Saturday after the broadcast.
Now let’s take a look at this week’s seven competing acts and some facts provided by SVT.
Charlotte Perrelli – Still Young
Written by: Thomas G:son, Bobby Ljunggren, Erik Bernholm, Charlie Gustavsson
• Dancers: Niklas Arleryd, Thomas Benstem, Kamilla Halid and Anna Näslund.
• Off-stage backing vocals: Dea Norberg.
Show creators
• Nummerkreatörer och koreografer: Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
Props and special effects
• 2 podiums in the back and 1 podium like a diamond for Charlotte in the front.
• Fan.
• Camera: Crystal lens.
Theme: Luxurious, modern, fashionwalk.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 62.
Charlotte on her entry:
”The song is pop and contemporary with loads of schlager. Up in our heads, we never grow old, and that’s in a certain way what the song is about. When I heard it the first time, I felt ‘God, this is just right’. It was a little like in 2008 when I first heard ‘Hero’, that feeling of ‘I can’t miss this’.”

Emil Assergård – Om allting skiter sig
Written by: Emil Assergård, Jimmy Jansson, Jimmy ”Joker” Thörnfeldt, Anderz Wrethov, Johanna Wrethov
• Musicians: Mathilda Fritzell, Jessica Tjörnmark and Lina Anderberg.
• Off-stage in-house backing vocalist: Lars Säfsund.
Show creators
• Show creators: Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
• Choreographer: Thomas Benstem.
• Bass guitar
• Guitar
• Drums
Props and special effects
• External light: ”Blinders”.
• Drum podium.
• LED: Footage of audience from Emil’s live gigs.
Theme: Live, love for the audience, energy.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 47.
Emil on his entry:
”The message of the song is that it’s never too late to start anew. Everything can be solved if you only have the will and stamina to keep on fighting. When the viewers will get to see my performance, they can expect a high energy, and they might feel more a part of the performance than they think that they will.”

Klara Hammarström – Beat Of Broken Hearts
Written by: David Kreuger, Fredrik Kempe, Niklas Carson Mattson, Andreas Wijk
• Off-stage backing vocalists: Emelie Fjällström (huskör) and Dea Norberg.
Show creators
• Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
Props and special effects
• Klara ”controls” the LED content and the light with her movement.
• Smoke.
• Wind.
• Podium.
• Silver pyro rain in the front of the stage.
Theme: Statement, powerful, together.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 57.
Klara on her entry:
”It’s a song that a lot of people can relate to with a lovely message, and I would say that it’s a very beautiful song that could almost have been taken out of a Disney movie.”

Mustasch – Contagious
Written by: Ralf Gyllenhammar, David Johannesson
Show creators
• Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
• 2 guitars.
• Bass guitar.
• Drums.
Props and special effects
• 4 podiums of metal plate.
• External light: 8 beams clad in metal plates in the far back of the stage by the LED.
Theme: Industrial, raw.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 70.
Ralf on the entry:
”This is a classic goddamned Hard Rock song, with a very contagious chorus. In 2013, I took part without these costumers [the band]. This year, we have a real Hard Rock song, according to them, and then it was fine for them to take part, of course.”

Elisa – Den du är
Written by: Bobby Ljunggren, Ingela Pling Forsman, Elisa Lindström
• Dancers: Celine Diop, Irmeli Gehring, Ellinea Siambalis and Olle Ström.
Show creators
• Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
Props and special effects
• Roesticks stuck to panels placed across the stage to create a special effect.
• Heavy smoke.
Theme: Modern fairy tale, close, grand.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 37.
Elisa on her entry:
”If I should describe my song in one sentence I would say that words can’t describe it. It’s big for me.”

Alvaro Estrella – Baila Baila
Written by: Anderz Wrethov, Linnea Deb, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt
• Dancers: Amir Ashoor (in-house), Lovisa Bengtsson (in-house), Kenny Lantz (in-house) and Victoria Pérez.
• Off-stage in-house backing vocalist: Lars Säfsund.
Show creators
• Show creators: Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
• Choreographer: Cynthia Cavieres Toledo.
Props and special effects
• A wall with arches which are framing Alvaro and the dancers.
• Smoke coloured by lamps.
Theme: Passionate, vibrant, warm.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 60.
Alvaro on his entry:
”The viewers can expect a scintillating Latino party with warmth and love as the focus, because I want to bring the party home to you, the viewers. The song came to me from the songwriter Linnea Deb, who sent it over. I just said: ‘That’s the one’. It turned out so well, and I’m so stoked for you to hear it.”

Tusse – Voices
Written by: Joy Deb, Linnea Deb, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt, Anderz Wrethov
• Dancers: Keisha von Arnold (in-house), Fatou Bah, Lamin Holmén and Timothy Waliggo Kakeeto.
• Off-stage in-house backing singer: Lars Säfsund.
Show creators
• Lotta Furebäck, Sacha Jean-Baptiste and Jennie Widegren.
Props and special effects
• External lighting
• LED: Pre-recorded content.
Camera cuts
• Approximately 70.
Tusse on his entry:
”My song happened when I was sitting in a session with Joy Deb and Linnea Deb and the rest of the group. We were writing music, but nothing felt right, and nothing felt close to the heart. But then it transpired that they had already written such a beautiful song that I got to hear. I just said: ‘That’s the one! That’s the one we should go for.’ The song is about fellowship, freedom and the importance of all voices being heard.”

Semi-Final 3 will be hosted by Christer Björkman together with Jason Diakité!
You can find more info about the competing acts and about the show on media.melodifestivalen.se
Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest
Sweden has participated in the contest 59 times since its debut in 1958. They have missed only three contests since their debut (1964, 1970 and 1976). Since 1959, the Swedish entry has been chosen through Melodifestivalen. In 1997, Sweden was one of the first five countries to adopt televoting, and have continued to innovate the technology behind the contest whenever they host.
Sweden is one of the most successful countries at the contest, winning six contests so far. Notably, their wins span their participation history; their victories span five decades with ABBA (1974), Herreys (1984), Carola (1991), Charlotte Nilsson (1999), Loreen (2012), and Måns Zelmerlöw (2015). They currently have the second-highest number of wins, behind Ireland’s seven.
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