
National finals revisited: From La Rappresentante di Lista to Isaac Sene [Part 2]

The Eurovision 2022 season is officially over. Ukraine emerged victorious in Turin and left the rest of a phenomenal line up behind. However, we all know that some songs have been left in the fields of the national final season… We’ve had to leave them behind to instead move on with songs other people liked best.

So, we take a trip down a short memory lane. It’s only been a few months, but we want to highlight some of our favourites. In the next four weeks, we’ll revisit the Eurovision national finals, with each of our partaking editors sharing one of their favourites.

Today, we’ll see Bente van Leijden, Tom O’Donoghue, Simon Wells and Marko Milanović sharing their favourites… Check it out below and click through to the next pages to see them all!

Bente van Leijden:
La Rappresentante di Lista – Ciao Ciao (Italy)

To be honest, my Sanremo winner was “Brividi”. It was also my Eurovision winner for quite some time, until it slowly kept going down in my rankings. The performance during the Grand Final did not leave a big impression on me either, which is very unfortunate, because the song is still wonderful in studio version. Thus, I started paying more attention to my second place in Sanremo, “Ciao Ciao”. It’s very different from “Brividi”, much more upbeat and fun.

In hindsight, I believe it would have made a better entry for Italy, especially in the sea of ballads that we had in the Grand Final. La Rappresentante Di Lista would have brought an amazing show that all of Europe would have enjoyed, with not necessarily a win in mind, but just the idea of having a good time and putting as much effort into the performance as possible. (Also, they didn’t have a tour scheduled during all of the pre-Eurovision season. I looked it up). It doesn’t mean that I expected them to get a better result than “Brividi”, but it could have done just as well. I’ll have my fingers crossed for Sanremo next year.

Click through to the next page, below the emojis, to see what Tom O’Donoghue has chosen!

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