Today sees the beginning of O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015, the show to select Moldova’s entry for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. Almost ten years to the day the very first Moldovan entry being chosen, the first of two semi-finals will take place tonight where 12 acts will perform the songs they hope will be representing their country in Vienna.
Among tonight’s competitors are Sunstroke Project, who represented the country in 2010 in Oslo, and British X Factor contestant Kitty Brucknell, who also attempted to enter the Swiss national selection this year. The running order for tonight is as follows:
- Eduard Romanyuta – I want your love
- Marcel Roșca – Feelings will never leave
- Kitty Brucknell – Remix
- Mihaela Andrei – About love
- Raby – Hero
- Glam Girls – Magia
- Diana Brescan – Up and down
- Serj Kuzenkoff – Danu năzdrăvanu
- Domenico Protino – Let me fly
- SunStroke Project & Michael Ra – Day after day
- Irina Kitoroagă – I’m gonna get you
- Anișoara Volînschi – Vocea inimii
The top 7 based on jury votes and televoting will proceed directly to Saturday’s final, whilst an 8th song that received the next highest score in the televote will also progress. The show begins at 18:45 CET, and can be watched on TRM’s website. Come back tonight for our live coverage of the first Moldovan semi-final!