Yesterday we saw Austria and Germany taking the two top spots in our series of reviews. Austria is our current #1, with 6.08/10, while Germany follow with 6.00/10. Today, we’re having a look at Belgium’s Loïc Nottet and the Sammarinese duet of Anita Simoncini and Michele Perniola. Can any of these two crush the Austrian dream after just one day?
Loïc Nottet – Rhythm Inside
Rinor: Contemporary tunes from Belgium this year. I was surprised when I first listened to the song, but quite skeptic at the same time. However, after watching a live performance, I was convinced that it is indeed a very good entry.
Score: 8.5/10
Simon: My favourite Belgian entry ever, and having heard him sing it live, I think Loïc can pull it off in Vienna. Avoiding lame staging will be very important.
Score: 9/10
Rodrigo: What a comeback after last year’s utter piece of sh**. Contemporary, well written, perfectly performed and one that I can easily see charting left, right and centre. It’s hard to believe this is the same country that inflicted Axel, Witloof Bay, Ishtar et al on us.
Score: 9.5/10
Dan: After the hideous entry our ears were forced upon last year from Belgium, they have returned with an absolute corker. It’s unique but contemporary sounding and Loic’s voice fits perfectly with it. Having watched a live performance of the song, it really wouldn’t surprise me if this gives Belgium one of its best results yet.
Score: 7/10
Nick: Staging will make or break this. Possibly the song with the most charting potential of all fourty songs this year, but it’s a televised contest, so Loïc’s team need to be smart… I like it, it’s different, it stands out.
Score: 8.5/10
Peter: This is so addictive and so cool even though yes, we all know it’s a little bit derivative. We have seen that Loïc can deliver the goods and more vocally, so I hope he’s got the stage presence to see this one through, because I’m a bit worried about its running order slot…
Score: 8.5/10
Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola – Chain Of Lights
Rinor: I have no idea why SMtv is still working with Siegel. They simply need to move on! This is, unfortunately, another cheap song from San Marino. It’s so messy that today was the first time I fully listened to the song.
Score: 2/10
Simon: The Sammarinese continue to send the bucket down, but the well dried up some twenty years ago. These two have a struggle on their hands.
Score: 2/10
Rodrigo: Why did they even bother?
Score: 1/10
Dan: I really shouldn’t like this – Yes its cheap, yes its cheesy and yep we’ll probably forget its existance entirely after May but I can’t help but have a soft spot for it. I think its the innocence in the song and fact that it hasn’t been completely over-produced (could certainly name a few this year) that has made me warm to it.
Score: 4/10
Nick: Awh, these two youngsters and their hope for peace and glory. Their candles will crash and burn in the semi, but I like these songs where the cheese just drips off. A little pronunciation thing: Michele and his ‘chain of farts’…. Whoops!
Score: 6.5/10
Peter: This starts off sounding like an attempt by Siegel to be comtemporary. AND THEN…that shift into the major key, that key-change, that dramatic whispering. It’s so hilarious and so so rubbish.
Score: 3/10
The story so far…
Twelve songs in so far and we sure have some divided opinions there. Seems Austria could only enjoy their lead for one day…
- Belgium – 8.50/10
- Austria – 6.08/10
- Germany – 6.00/10
- Ireland – 5.64/10
- Serbia – 5.43/10
- Czech Republic – 5.14/10
- Lithuania – 4.79/10
- Israel – 4.64/10
- FYR Macedonia – 4.14/10
- Armenia – 3.71/10
- San Marino – 3.08/10
- Moldova – 2.79/10
Today’s contrast could hardly have been bigger. Where Belgium doesn’t score any mark below 7, San Marino’s highest is a 6,5. It is therefore no surprise that Belgium takes an easy lead with an incredible score of 8.5. San Marino only manages to beat Moldova and comes in at an eleventh place with just 3.08. Can anyone take Belgium off the top spot? Stay tuned tomorrow as it’s time for Hungary and Latvia!