Instead of bringing you eight separate articles with Eurostars Reviews, this year we’re bringing them all at once! has found nine former Eurovision entrants to review all forty entries this year! Without further ado, here are the names of our Eurostars – and what a panel it is! Two winners, two runner-ups and some fan favourites!
- Eurostar #1: Getty Kaspers
Lead singer of Teach-In, the group who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1975. - Eurostar #2: Geir Rönning
Norwegian singer who represented Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005. - Eurostar #3: Nina Žižić
The ‘secret’ vocalist in Montenegro’s 2013 Eurovision attempt, Igranka. - Eurostar #4: Adrian Lulgjuraj
One half of Albania’s 2013 duo, when he performed with Bledar Sejko. - Eurostar #5: Marc Roberts
He represented Ireland in Ireland’s Golden Age, the 90s, coming 2nd in 1997. - Eurostar #6: Raymond Caruana
Also a runner-up – as lead singer of Live Report in 1989. - Eurostar #7: Csaba Szigeti
Hungary’s second Eurovision entrant, with the catchy title Új Név A Régi Ház Falán. - Eurostar #8: Per Herrey
His name gives it away, another Eurovision winner, together with his brothers in 1984. - Surprise guest #9: Giorgios Alkaios
Famously represented Greece in 2010. He reviewed ten of the favourites to win.
Getty Kaspers
Azerbaijan: Elnur Huseynov – Hour of the Wolf
Pretty song, beautiful voice, a really good symphonic song. There’s not a negative point to find here. I’m sure this will qualify and come top 10 in the final. If they get some sort of wolf on stage, it would be perfect.
Israel: Nadav Guedj – Golden Boy
There’s nothing positive in this, it’s not interesting at all. It feels so long and monotone, there’s neither rhyme nor reason to it. I can’t see this qualifying, I’d love to change the entire song. It’s almost Arabic – definitely not Israel’s finest hour.
Serbia: Bojana Stamenov – Beauty Never Lies
She has a good voice, but the song isn’t interesting. Surely, this is not qualifying. What can you even change about this, it just doesn’t stand out.
Greece: Maria Elena Kyriakou – One Last Breath
Love it, a gorgeous ballad with an edge to it. Really nice, a classic Euroballad, it builds nicely. I don’t see any negatives to this at all. If she can deliver this live, this going to do top five, I’m sure. Nothing to change here, it’s just really good.
Hungary: Boggie – Wars For Nothing
A really good protest song, they’re taking a risk with this one. Would be perfect if they’d put the lyrics in the background. It, however, is a bit simple and she’d improve it by using her voice more. But this is definitely qualifying.
Geir Rönning
Czech Republic: Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta – Hope Never Dies
A lot of times in the Eurovision a ”pro video” can fool you into digging a song and then when you see it live, it’s totally diffrent. Here we see what we get. Two singers who maybe should think a bit more about the message of the lyrics to get a better kick for us who watch the show. But their singing is good and the song is not too bad. My guess is they will not make it to the final, too many GREAT songs this year.
Albania: Elhaida Dani – I’m Alive
I love Albania, I have been there singing myself and it’s a great memory in my life. I wish I could give them full points, but the song is not strong enough and I am afraid that the singer will be out of tune as she is here in this clip! I have seen the official video, and that one is FANTASTIC! The lady is a GREAT singer, so I hope that this clip live from stage is because of bad monitors etc. Maybe in a lucky day this will take them to the final? I like the mix of their own traditional instruments into the song.
France: Lisa Angell – N’Oubliez Pas
Hmm.. So cool that she sings in her own language! And it sounds GREAT! She is a very good singer, and this song will be in the final even if we like it or not ๐ But I LOVE IT!! Good old ballad. But the problem might be that there is too many songs of this kind even this year? But the singer is outstanding, the production very nice. I hope it will make it!!
Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes
This one is the total of it all. Great song, fantastic artist. Måns is a total pro who can dans, sing, great smile, and the song is one of the best that Sweden have done ever. It is catchy, great production and even the show on stage is very good. In my book, number one or two.. Absolutely top three!!
The Netherlands: Trijntje Oosterhuis – Walk Along
Oh, here we go with a VERY STRONG SINGER!! IT seems to be live this, and if she can pull this one off in the same way then she should be right into the final and even make a good run for the top 6 spot! The song is good, you can sing together with them on the second chorus and THATS Eurovision to me! ๐
Nina Žižić
United Kingdom: Electro Velvet – Still In Love With You
Well, generally, the song makes me dance. It sounds like a song genre smoothie but generally it makes me wanna dance (which is most important after all)! ๐
Cyprus: John Karayiannis – One Thing I Should Have Done
Sweet sweet… Makes me feel like I’m some teenager in love ๐ Sweet and tender voice:) Complete impression- cute!
Belgium: Loïc Nottet – Rhythm Inside
Hm… Just not my cup of tea, I’m afraid ๐
Russia: Polina Gagarina – A Million Voices
I’d define this as powerful sweetness. She has a good voice as well.
Germany: Ann Sophie – Black Smoke
Love her voice! Maybe my favourite song among these five! Something that I’d listen to in my car, hahah, and if I say that then you know it`s gooooooood ๐
Adrian Lulgjuraj
Estonia: Elina Born & Stig Rästa – Goodbye To Yesterday
This is a very very catchy song. This is my second time I heard this song and I can say that I like it! It reminds me of Ville Valo & Natalia Avelon – Summer wine!
Ireland: Molly Sterling – Playing With Numbers
Hmm.. I have opposite thoughts about this song. It’s too slow! Very boring and nothing special. Even if the singer is too sweet. I like her voice. Her timbre reminds me of Christina Aguilera.
Moldova: Eduard Romanyuta – I Want Your Love
Hmmm… what can I say. This is definitely a song for a girl! This kind of songs were very famous – 10 years ago! I think that this year Eurovision has great songs and it will be tough for this song to pass to the grand final.
Portugal: Leonor Andrade – Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa
This is a good song! I like the idea to use native language in Eurovision. I think that in this contest, we are missing those kind of songs when you feel or listen how it sounds the song in another language. Regarding the song, like the melody, the voice… from 0 to 10= 7!
Austria: The Makemakes – I Am Yours
USA stylish! I like it.. it has some blues, jazz and country in it! It reminds me of Seal! And I respect him a lot! This is after estonia my second favourite song, from the 5 that I reviewed!
Marc Roberts
Spain: Edurne – Amanecer
Really liked this song. Amazing voice, looks stunning, possibly top 5 i think!
Latvia: Aminata – Love Injected
This is very different. Think I’d prefer it without backing vocals, or maybe another arrangement for the backing singers. ‘sorry’….. It’s going to stand out on the night for sure!
Armenia: Genealogy – Face The Shadow
Almost like ‘Frozen’ meets ‘Twilight’. A lot of minor chords & it almost sounds like three different songs put together. Vocally perfect, I’m sure it’ll sound & look stunning on the night.
FYR Macedonia: Daniel Kajmakoski – Autumn Leaves
Another good song, catchy, modern…possibly a dark horse regarding the Top 10!
Montenegro: Knez – Adio
Nice to hear something traditional! Good beat & vocals. Not sure how it will do though.
Raymond Caruana
Denmark: Anti Social Media – The Way You Are
Catchy tune, although the vocal start is very KILLER QUEEN.! Like it , it grows on you.
France: Lisa Angell – N’Oubliez Pas
Half way through I was looking for a razor blade to cut my wrist. No Thanks.
Australia: Guy Sebastian – Tonight Again
This is another Tune I’ve heard before.with vocals very much like Bruno Mars.? In with a very good chance.
San Marino: Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola – Chain of Lights
Just like France, I couldn’t find a razor blade , so I used the bread knife., Sorry not a contender.
Slovenia: Maraaya – Here For You
Why is she trying to sound like ADELE. No Thanks.
Csaba Szigeti
Georgia: Nina Sublatti – Warrior
Very modern song. The sound is good. The artist is very sympathetic and it’s very well sung, can be challenging. It seems a bit long to me, but certainly not longer than the rest of the songs, you should refrain after the second part of something extra or something better which lifts the end of the song. You may also be more vocal.
Lithuania: Monika & Vaidas – This Time
First listen, I liked it. A very good pair to form the artists. Well composed song and radio-friendly sound that has been observed is that the music, follow the text message. The middle of the song is a musical ‘joke’ that was created because of the text, a good idea. Melodic. It is full of acoustic instruments, even a modern sound. Maybe I would have put in the refrain a few string instruments. I think there’s a chance of winning!
Norway: Mørland & Debrah Scarlett – A Monster Like Me
I really like it because of the acoustic instruments. Well to start with, then an oboe, strings and piano sounds. Great. Good tune. A real hit. The two singers are good. Wrong song structure though: The launch comes in late. He should throw the second verse out. Then there is a section in front of the chorus that should not be there because you still sitting on the song. Does not rise so there is no arc. The refrain should repeat the melody and hit it good. Unfortunately, only a refrain at the end of the song because of the extra part that comes after you beat me to the second.
Poland: Monika Kuszyńska – In The Name Of Love
It’s good as it is. The beautiful orchestration. Very good singer. Well done. She made something new. Totally good and hits the world.
Romania: Voltaj – De La Capăt (All Over Again)
Very good artist. Sympathetic good voice. The song is very beautiful and thought-provoking. Interestingly, the drums and the sound is very nice. I can not speak ill of this. Calm and open sound. The music and lyrics are well in harmony. The refrain is good melody!
Per Herrey
Iceland: Maria Olafs – Unbroken
This song grabs you right away. No doubt about it! A very modern song with a radiofeel to it. The songs greatest strength could however also be its potential weakness – it tends to become too repetitious. I miss more of a “verse-part” or something else that “breaks” the repetitive chorus. But an audience that only hear this song once or twice they could very well vote it to the top five in the competition.
Switzerland: Mélanie René – Time To Shine
Very strong chorus but the verses are a bit weak. Could have made the arrangement a bit more modern there. The “clap-machine” makes it sound a bit out-of-date.The middle section is not “spicy enough” for my taste but as a whole a good voice and should do quite well. A place in the final wouldn’t surprise me.
Malta: Amber – Warrior
A good voice and a good song. It has a modern structure with the “tail” on the chorus (the “warrior-part”) that I like. I think that part could have been repeated at least once more for my taste but maybe it would have been difficult timewise to fit in. The chorus is strong and I like the verse, too. Has a broad appeal to a Eurovision-audience I believe. Maybe not a winner but should do well in the competition – at least go to the final.
Belarus: Uzari & Maimuna – Time
Extremely catchy chourus. I also has a modern touch with the chorus not being repeated after the second verse. Even though thats creative from a musical standpoint maybe thats were the song loose some “speed”. (After the second verse). However, a strong ending and song with a great hitpotential. Among the top ten wouldn´t surprise me.
Italy: Il Volo – Grande Amore
Definitely a potential top three song and could win the whole thing! A classic entry – a melodious song with very good singers (of course an understatement). The structure and build-up of the song is very strong. Singing in Italian shouldn’t be a problem if they chose to do that since everyone finds Italian beautiful, (ha, ha). Time for Italy to host the competition next year? Could very well happen.
Giorgios Alkaios
We asked Giorgios to review ten songs, the ten favourites, nine of which by bookmakers and the tenth is a fan favourite!
Russia: Polina Gagarina – A Million Voices
Great song and a great singer!!! I think that Russia is on the top 5 this year!
Finland: Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivat – Aina Mun Pitää
What can I say? I love this song! It’s not just about the song. This is a punk song in Eurovision, under 3′:00” ( just 1′:30”!!!) from a great band the Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät!!! It will be the event of the night! Good luck!!
Norway: Mørland & Debrah Scarlett – A Monster Like Me
I love this duet! Music, lyrics, singers! Just great! I think that they must give everything the got on stage!
Australia: Guy Sebastian – Tonight Again
Great singer! A pop song that will shake the stadium and our TVs!!!
Italy: Il Volo – Grande Amore
Love the song and the Italian lyrics! Great voices!!! Italy all this years has a unique style!
Estonia: Elina Born & Stig Rästa – Goodbye To Yesterday
A mid tempo song with English lyrics and a ”smell” from ”old school”. It’s -as we say in the music world – a clever song! Not easy for Eurovision.They must prepare a great performance on stage to ”help” the song more.
Belgium: Loïc Nottet – Rhythm Inside
A slow mid tempo R’n”B song with a nice melody and nice lyrics. It will need a great stage performance the big night.
Slovenia: Maraaya – Here For You
An up tempo rock song with a singer that you remember after the stage performance!
Sweden: Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes
Great song, great stage idea, great singer! Top 5 for sure.
Albania: Elhaida Dani – I’m Alive
Great singer and a very nice song!!! It’s one of this songs that the stage performance will be barometer in the final results!
Congratulations! You have made it to the end! You’ve read about fifty reviews now, so well done, you are a proper Eurovision fan! We’d like to thank Getty, Geir, Nina, Adrian, Marc, Raymond, Csaba, Per and Giorgios for their time and their opinions. We’d also like to highlight that these are the opinions of the individual reviewers, not necessarily of the team.
Do you agree on any of these? What do you think about the songs? Please let us know by commenting below!