The world-famous Eurovision 1994 interval act, Riverdance, is soon to be in cinemas… as an animated musical comedy! Production companies, Aniventure and Cinesite Animations, along with River Productions are currently in post-production stages of a new movie called “Riverdance”. The movie will be released in cinemas later this year.
The movie will be directed by Eamonn Butler and Dave Rosenbaum. It is Eamonn Butler’s first directing role but he is no stranger to the film industry, working on the visual effects for movies like The Addams Family and Avengers: Endgame. It is Dave Rosenbaum’s second outing as a director. In 2004, he directed The Picture of Dorian Gray. Since then he has worked as production manager on movies like The Lorax and Despicable Me 3.
The journey of Keegan and Moya
The animated movie has been inspired by the Grammy Award-winning Eurovision interval act, Riverdance, which debuted 25 years ago at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest. Production company Aniventure describes the film as showing Riverdance “to a new generation in a way never before seen or experienced”.
A brief synopsis of the movie has been revealed on the official website:
A young Irish boy named Keegan and his Spanish friend named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life
– Riverdance movie synopsis, from the official website
Excitement from the movie’s producer!
Moya Doherty, who has co-created and produced the movie has said that:
… an animated feature film, inspired by Riverdance, will be an innovative and exhilarating milestone in a show which has had many great moments in the last twenty years. We look forward enormously to see it take shape and fly!
– Moya Doherty, “Riverdance” co-creator and producer
Production company, Aniventure, were part of the team that worked on the Oscar-nominated Netflix animation Klaus. The script has been written by Tyler Werrin who has previously worked with Illumination in the production of some of the biggest movies such as Despicable Me, Minions and The Secret Life of Pets.
There is currently no release date for the movie, however the Cinesite Studios website does reveal the movie will be released during 2020. The cast is also currently unconfirmed.
Are you excited to see Riverdance turned into an animated movie? Is Riverdance one of your favourite Eurovision interval acts? Let us know in the comments below and on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube profiles.