ESCXTRA: Live from Rotterdam

Polish delegation receives negative PCR test results

Iceland still awaiting test results following yesterday's news

Good news for Poland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021. The Polish delegation have all received a negative PCR test this morning. The entire delegation, including singer Rafał, undertook a test for Covid-19 after a delegation member received a positive test result on Saturday.

Delegation remains in quarantine

On Saturday, 15 May, news broke that a member of the Polish delegation had tested positive for Covid-19 during a test at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021. The delegation member had last entered the arena on Thursday. As a result, the entire delegation representing Poland went into quarantine. All members, including Rafał, undertook a PCR test to check whether they had also been infected by the coronavirus.

Gladly, confirmed today that no other members of the Polish delegation received a positive test. They will however remain in quarantine for the time being. The delegation will undertake another test ahead of the dress rehearsals for semifinal two on Wednesday, in which Poland are set to perform. If these results also come back negative, Rafał is clear to perform in the semifinal and its dress rehearsals. If not, Rafał and Poland would be allowed to use the rehearsal footage from the past week or the live-on-tape, as confirmed by the EBU.

Iceland in the waiting room, all clear for Romania and Malta

Yesterday, the EBU confirmed that a member of the Icelandic delegation had also tested positive for Covid-19. The Head of Delegation added that it was not a member of Daði og Gagnamagnið, but one of the staff surrounding them. Due to the privacy laws, the delegation decided not to reveal the identity of the infected delegation member. The Icelandic delegation are still awaiting their test results and will leave their quarantine if all results come back negative ahead of Wednesday’s dress rehearsals.

As both the infections for Covid-19 were found in the same delegation hotel, other delegations also decided to skip the Turquoise Carpet as a precautionary measure. Both Malta and Romania took the decision not to attend the event. Both delegations are welcome to attend today’s dress rehearsals if their rapid tests, which is a routine upon entering the arena, come back negative.

We wholeheartedly hope to see Poland, Iceland, Romania and Malta in real life action on the Eurovision 2021 stage soon!

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