
Dear Jack: “Always focused, but never stressed.” [Interview]

These guys are one of the biggest things around in Italy at the moment. Time for them to enter the Sanremo Festival and, possibly, the Eurovision Song Contest? spoke to Dear Jack! Read what they had to say below! Hey guys! First of all, thanks for doing this interview! How are you preparing for Festival di Sanremo 2015?
Dear Jack: We spend a lot of time together, not only during rehearseal sessions. We hang out together, have dinners, to being more and more tight as a band. Then we listen a lot to the songs we are gonna play at Sanremo because we need to feel them as much as possible. Always focused, but never stressed.
X: Could you tell us something about yourself?
DJ: We are Dear Jack, we all come from the Viterbo district, except Riccardo that is from Pescara.  At the beginning there were 2 different bands: the first Dear Jack line up with Alessio (voice) and Francesco (guitar) and another band that included Lorenzo (guitar), Alessandro (bass) and Riccardo (drums), that joined Dear Jack in 2013. Then we took part to TV talent show “Amici” and the rest is history πŸ™‚
We moved from being just guys playing together to being friends, brothers, colleagues, and all in all a real family. We share everything, we almost live together 24H, and together we are living our dream, and that is maybe the reason why we are so bounded one to each other.
X: Why did you decide to enter Sanremo 2015?
DJ: It has always been a dream, all the greatest artists in the Italian music history have stepped that stage. We sent out our song to Carlo Conti (Festival host) and he liked it, luckily. It was a twist of fate. When we read our name in the list we got crazy and was so happy, we still hardly believe it, but we are ready!
X: You scored a massive hit (over 10 million YouTube views) with Domani È Un Altro Film. Would you say that that song is typical for your music style?
DJ: Yes, it was our first single and for us is  a very important song, because it was our first move outside the TV show. Its sound is typical Dear Jack, as we are a pop-rock band, so it is perfect to describe. Domani è un altro film is a melodic song with distorted guitars, pop melodies and rock arrangement. That’s what we are.
X: What can you tell us about your Sanremo song, Il Mondo Esplode?
DJ:Our song is called Il Mondo esplode tranne noi, it describes love in all its nuances: mad one, sweet one, romantic one, and that love, if true, stands the test of time. It is catchy yet rock, like our style. We hope that it will connect with people’s heart, that is the most important  thing to us.
X: Now, the Italian entrant for Eurovision 2015 will come from Sanremo. How would you feel if you’d be asked to go to Eurovision?
DJ: That would be a dream, because we have an international background. Most of the members in  the band have being influenced by artists coming from USA, UK, Europe, outside of Italy. So taking part to an international competition would be great, we absolutely look forward to it.
X: What’s going to be your special ingredient to win Sanremo?
DJ: We don’t have one in particular. We just want to do our thing at the best of our possibilities, reaching out everybody’s hearts, show who we are as a band, that we are valuable. We want people to feel good listening to Dear Jack.
X: What’s your favourite place in Italy?
DJ: We  like it all, from north to south. It changes in its landscape and culture in every place you go, and it’s so full of it. We travelled now all along Italy and it’s great, and our fans too: they are very “warm” wherever you go.
X: Italy is known for its music and its cuisine. What’s your favourite Italian food?
DJ: We have different opinions about it: there’s who loves true buffalo mozzarella cheese, who loves fresh fish from Mediterranean sea, and who, like Alessio,  adores a simple pasta with tomato and basil, maybe the most typical Italian food.
X: Are you a Eurovision fan?
DJ: Yes, as said we are fan of international music so it’s great to see a contest like that, where all those acts can compete and stand for their own countries.
X: Do you have an all time favourite Eurovision song?
DJ: Not one in particular but, as Italians, obviously we can’t but name Marco Mengoni and Emma Marrone, two great, young artists. So, who knows, maybe one day we will follow their example.
X: Finally, do you have a message for the readers of
DJ: We are Dear Jack we are young, fresh and hope to see you soon. Listen to our music, you won’t regret it. Rock’n’roll! would like to thank Dear Jack for their time and we’d like to wish them the best of luck in this week’s Sanremo, which is kicking off tomorrow! Watch their massive hit, Domani È Un’Altro Film, below!

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