The Eurovision Song Contest 2020 may have been cancelled, but that doesn’t mean the fans will stand still and forget about the contest. In that light, has decided to come up with a new feature: The Ultimate Eurovision Challenge Quiz!
The Ultimate Eurovision Challenge Quiz
In the upcoming weeks, a quiz will be posted every Wednesday afternoon. After a couple of weeks, we hope to be able to show you what the final scoreboard looks like…
This quiz isn’t just a quiz. This quiz should be the ultimate challenge, even if you are a Eurovision mastermind. So let’s see how you all go on Part 1! Make sure you fill out all the questions and don’t forget to put your name in so we know who the biggest Eurovision fan of all is!
Don’t forget to click Submit at the end to make sure your score is in! If you have trouble viewing the quiz, as you’re on mobile, please click here to go directly to the quiz!
So… how many points did you score? Don’t forget to check and share this quiz on social media. The more the merrier! We’d be glad to know what you think about these quizzes, so let us know on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram how you did!