The Scoop๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands

๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Eurovisioncalls with NikkieTutorials to be released from May 4 has just announced that NikkieTutorials’s, who was due to be the online host for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest will be premiering her new series ‘Eurovisioncalls with NikkieTutorials’ starting May 4. You are able to see a preview of the series below:

What the series is about?

The Youtube series will be premiering multiple episodes in the lead-up to the EBU special ‘Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light‘ on May 16; the episodes will be premiering via the official Eurovision Youtube page.

In the online series, we will see Nikkie speak to some of the participants that were due to compete in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam, where Nikkie will ask the participants how they are doing since the cancellation of this year’s contest, as well as their motivation and plans for the future.

In the promo clip we have seen the following participants making an appearance:

  • Jeangu Macrooy (The Netherlands)
  • Montaigne (Australia)
  • Damir Kedžo (Croatia)
  • Ulrikke (Norway)
  • Tom Leeb (France)
  • Uku Suviste (Estonia)
  • Stefania (Greece)
  • Ben Dolic (Germany)
  • Go_A (Ukraine)
  • Hurricane (Serbia)
  • Sandro (Cyprus)
  • Lesley Roy (Ireland)
  • Little Big (Russia)
  • The Mamas (Sweden)
  • Benny Cristo (Czech Republic)

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