Today, we have been introduced to this mash-up video containing all 43 of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest entries. Inside just eight minutes, we can listen to all of this contest’s melodies flow into each other into one big Eurovision 2018 megamix!
From Norway to Spain
Published on the YouTube channel DanShaPop, here is the order of which the songs appear within the megamix: Norway, Ireland, Czech Republic, Albania, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Montenegro, Denmark, Greece, Georgia, Belarus, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Armenia, Latvia, Israel, Finland, Serbia, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Poland, United Kingdom, Moldova, Malta, Croatia, Australia, San Marino, Germany, Iceland, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Portugal and Spain.
To manage to successfully mash-up so many different tempos and rhythms into a fluid piece of music is undoubtedly extremely hard to achieve! Perhaps you have also made a mash-up or megamix? If so, let us know on social media @ESCXTRA and we’ll share and retweet our favourites!