Welcome to the latest edition of our news round-up series which takes a look back at the Eurovision news headlines from the past seven days. Here you’ll find all the important news! Whether you need to catch-up or to remind yourself what has happened in the Eurovision world, this is the article for you. Want to read more? You can access the full articles by clicking on them!
Hosting crisis at the final hour
Earlier this week, Israel’s hosting plans for Eurovision 2019 were put in jeopardy when a financial dispute between the Israeli government and its public broadcaster was made public. IPBC had not paid the fee of 12 million euros, which would secure hosting duties. IPBC had hoped that the government would contribute towards the cost, although this was rejected. Read the full story in the articles below.
Backup plans and shutdown threats : Israel deposit crisis esclates 24 hours before the deadline
Deposit crisis officially solved: Israel will host Eurovision 2019