The Scoop๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands

๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Marga Bult puts singing on hold to pick up job as nurse

Marga Bult has decided to put all singing activities on hold for the time being. The singer, who represented The Netherlands at the Eurovision Song Contest 1987 with Rechtop In De Wind, wants to pick up her old job as a nurse. She will do so to help fight the outbreak of the coronavirus in the Netherlands.

Marga Bult: Back to her old profession

The now 63-year old singer has confirmed the news to newspaper De Telegraaf. Due to the measures, put in place by the Dutch government, Marga has had to cancel all of her performances for the time being. The next couple of months are always busy for her, as she’s one of the country’s most beloved Eurovision related acts. Her diary was all about the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

Being a nurse isn’t exactly new to Marga Bult. Before she became a professional singer, she already spent quite a few years in the profession. Her dedication to healthcare has never left, so when the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis in Tilburg put a call online for former nurses and doctors to assist during the outbreak of the coronavirus, Marga didn’t think twice and applied. The singer told newspaper De Telegraaf:

I may not know everything anymore, but I’m still capable of doing the job, even though I’m over sixty. I’m healthy and ready to go! I think I could make myself useful. Even if they’d ask me to just carry away the laundry. I feel responsible for the people here in North Brabant.

Marga Bult to De Telegraaf

Recently, the ambassador of the Alzheimer Nederland foundation moved from Overijssel to North Brabant. In her new province, the outbreak of the coronavirus is the most severe of the country. Nearly half of all Dutch confirmed cases come from North Brabant, with the cities of Tilburg and Breda being the most affected.

Marga Bult isn’t the only member of her family working at the hospital. Her daughter works in the Emergency Room, also at the Elisabeth TweeSteden Ziekenhuis in Tilburg.

In difficult times, it is beautiful to see people reaching out to help the community. Marga Bult’s story is a beautiful one of charity and a sense for her community. If you have a beautiful story to share about charity in these difficult times, don’t hesitate to let us know!

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