Eurovision 2020๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง United Kingdom

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat produce “Eurovision 2020: The Cancelled Coronavirus Year” documentary

On the day that Eurovision week should have begun, the BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat team have continued their strong support of the Eurovision Song Contest by following up last year’s superb Tel Aviv contest documentary with a commemorative show celebrating this year’s artists.

Special messages of love, hope and thanks

The half an hour documentary covers the story of artists who have been selected to represent their nations at the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 and how the cancellation unfolded. Filming began back in February and shows footage of James Newman, who was selected to represent the United Kingdom, rehearsing his entry and being unveiled as the UK artist.

Following news of the cancellation, several artists share what this means to them and their future plans whilst speaking to James Newman.

The film also features a special message from last year’s winner, Duncan Laurence, and contains messages of love, hope and thanks from some of the artists who were chosen to represent their countries at the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

For UK viewers, you can watch the documentary on the BBC iPlayer. International viewers can watch it on YouTube.

This documentary by BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat continues the very positive trend that the United Kingdom’s broadcaster has taken the contest seriously for the second successive year. Whilst other arms of the UK media may still have a way to go, the BBC sending their Newsbeat team to cover the contest so extensively is great news for us all.

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